Ventilex DryGenic® Air Dehumidifier for safe meat processing

Humidity control is critical to sanitation and quality in facilities for animal slaughter, boning, sausage processing, meat slicing and packaging. Droplets of moisture create the ideal but very dangerous conditions for microbes to thrive.

As such, strict hygiene procedures are often in place in meat & sausage processing plants, but those alone aren’t enough to prevent dangerous conditions. Indeed, effective humidity control is also required.

The Ventilex DryGenic® Air Dehumidifier is perfected to produce large volumes of cold, dry, clean and bacteria free air. Our DryGenic® dehumidification technology finds its bases on a liquid desiccant, which is thermodynamically and economically the most efficient air drying solution available today.

The DryGenic® dehumidification system can reduce and precisely control the humidity of multiple processing rooms. Moreover the salty liquid desiccant, named DrySol®  also cleans and disinfects the air, by removing and killing up to 99.9% of the airborne bacteria and other micro-organisms.

After cleaning bacteria strikes back immediately

As a meat-processing food producer, you clean your production hall daily. Despite scrubbing, wiping and mopping, residual moisture remains.

Research shows that residual moisture in a production area results in a relative humidity of around 90-100%.

Moisture that condenses on your cooled product….immediately forms an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Thereby dramatically reducing the shelf life of your product.

On top of that, this moist and cold air attacks any electrical components that are present and also creates an extremely unpleasant working environment resulting in greater absenteeism. Inconveniences that you can easily solve!


“The unique Ventilex DryGenic® Air Dehumidifier guarantees a longer shelf life for your meat product.. and a more pleasant and healthy working climate for your people.”

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Water as ammunition, victory through dry air!

Naturally, you’ll continue to use water for cleaning. But the residual moisture… Well, thanks to the Ventilex DryGenic® Air Dehumidifier the excess moisture – especially the bacteriological contamination – is rapidly removed.

The result is a product with a substantially longer shelf life. Plus fewer machine malfunctions. And… more comfort and higher productivity on the work floor, including reduced absenteeism.

Now you might be thinking: “We’ve been doing it this way for years. So why should we change?” Indeed, why should you? Well, because you bear the responsibility for the product that leaves your company. And for the people who work for you!

Do you dare to shoot the messenger…?

If you do…then invite your Ventilex expert to give you a brief explanation of how your production area can also be the bacteriologically cleanest. That’s what you want isn’t it?

After an obligation-free inventory, you will receive a well-thought-out proposal. Including a plan of approach to combat the current situation.

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